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Thursday, December 4, 2014

Troop information:

We need to figure out who is bringing what to the Camp-in on the 12-13 of December. Sadly, I can't attend. On the 13 of December, there will be a first- aid competition with other troops. This is why we have been practicing first-aid.January ski campout has a full booked cabin. Tents are always an option, but the cabin is packed.LC meeting this Sunday. Have a good day!!

Wednesday, November 26, 2014


 Get hyped up for the camp-in on December 12-13. Bring something fun to do for this event. The following morning (the 13th) will be a first-aid competition with other troops. Start researching different types of first-aid. On a related note, last night, our patrol was in charge of cuts for first-aid practice.

 Participating in Kroger rewards? Go to to get your rewards off the site. Print it out and give it to the troop treasurer. Welcome Alec Schreiner to the Black Hawks patrol! I love seeing new scouts come in.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Space presentaion

Blue Blazes role in instructional time for the next two weeks.
week 2.History of space shuttles and rockets
week 3.Training

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Yearly planning

If any scout intends to have any input on the yearly planing the members of the PLC will/should be gathering input in to response to the yearly plan rough draft that the troops PLC members have made.Also know that all suggestions and or recommendations will be put into consideration when making some final decisions.If there are any questions about the process or if you wish to attend a PLC meeting then ask one of the members of your patrol for information.Input is welcomed.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Mulch success!

Mulch was great this weekend. It was my first time doing it so it was a great first impression! Thank you Perry's dad and all of the parents who drove us around. I hope that I earned lots of money!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014


April 12 we need all the scouts we can use at the Indian dig site in Creekside for mulch! This requires effort, but with great reward in $! Participation will be greatly appreciated.

April Campout

This weekend is the camp to the South East Contribution Club! Permission slips are due tonight, check the Troop website (posted in important links) to get the link for the permission slip.