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Sunday, July 8, 2018

August: Wilderness Survival

Our theme for August will be Wilderness Survival.  Your PLC made the following plan for the month based on this theme.

Week 1:
Opening: BB
Meeting theme/idea: 
BH: Signaling
BB: Lashings
Dr:  edible plants

Week 2:
Opening: BH
Meeting theme/idea: 
Wilderness First Aid
BB:  Major wounds
BH:  Minor wounds / hypothermia or heat exhaustion
Dr:  Splints

Week 3:
Opening: Dr
Meeting theme/idea: 
BB:  Orienteering
BH:  Water Purification
Dr:  Trek Safety

Week 4:
Opening: Lp
Meeting theme/idea: 
Shelter and Firebuilding  @  metro park

Please be thinking of ideas for our annual year planning meeting.  Things that you liked and disliked this year and things that you would like to talk about through the next year.

See you at the next meeting!

Summer Camp MVSR 2018

As you can see, we who went to summer camp had an awesome time at MVSR!  The camp had a lot of good programs and merit badges to offer.  If you did not go to summer camp you missed out on a fun time and I highly suggest that you go next year when we head back to Muskingum Valley Scout Reservation!